We would like to inform you that several organisations representing the Youth at the secondary school level and Young Scientists (Debate Science! European Youth Parliaments; Network for European Young academies and Global Young Academy ; Network for Bratislava Declaration For Young Researchers; Young European Associated Researchers (YEAR) ) are currently running youth survey "Preparing the future".


The deadline for the survey is on Tuesday 18 April 2017, therefore we would kindly ask your assistance to inform relevant consultation among the population/groups/organisations of youth and young scientists about this survey. 


This initiative is the first initiative of its' kind and the purpose of this public consultation is to prospect views of Youth and Young Scientists on Horizon 2020 in general and to contribute to the  interim evaluation process of Horizon 2020. The survey is designed to understand how young people and early-stage researchers perceive the European Research and Innovation policy and its' future. The responses will inform conversations between the European Commission and groups representing Youth and Young Scientists. The results of the consultation will contribute to the preparation of the next framework programme beyond of Horizon.


Please find herewith the link to the EU survey web-page where you can find the public stakeholder consultation: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/YouthYoungScientistConsultation2017


Please pass the message on in order to make Youth's and Young Scientists voice to be heard!  Thank you in advance!

We will be glad to inform you about the results of the survey and hopefully you will learn something new about the view of youth and young scientist in your respective countries !


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