




Did you know we have hundreds of Training Bytes videos available on the Cadence® Online Support site that you can watch free of charge for self-help?

In 2016, we conducted a large survey amongst our customers to find out how much they know about the different training solutions that Cadence offers. One takeaway was that awareness of our Training Bytes videos is not yet widespread…we would therefore like to take this opportunity to introduce them to you! 

Our Training Bytes videos are micro-learning assets that teach you an element of a language or methodology, or how to do a task, and can help you quickly get the information you need to increase your knowledge base. 

Take a look at these short videos available for all Cadence technologies.

  • Log into the Cadence Online Support site at https://support.cadence.com/TrainingBytes
  • Use the filter on the left-hand side to find videos for your platform or a certain product, or use the search function to browse through videos or video channels relevant for you.

Try it out yourself! And feel free to email us your feedback. 

We would also like to take the chance to thank all those who participated in our Cadence Training Surveyand helped us gain insights into our customers’ knowledge, needs, and wishes regarding training.

Amongst all participants of the Cadence Training Survey, a raffle was conducted and we are glad to present you the lucky winner of an iPad Mini4.

“I'm really surprised and I can hardly believe it. It is a fantastic news. Thank you very much. I still cannot find the words. I'm also looking forward to the results of your survey. Thanks again for your kind message and for this great surprise.”

Laszlo Vagasi, ARM Hungary (shown here with his new iPad mini4)

Best regards, 
Your Cadence Education Services Team 

Email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Visit us: www.cadence.com/training