You are encouraged to participate in a very special event: the 2nd Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things - CPS&IoT’2021 that will be held in Budva, Montenegro, June 7-10, 2021.


The CPS&IoT’2021 Summer School is prepared in collaboration with IEEE, EUROMICRO, and MANT, and is possible thanks to involvement of many outstanding researchers and developers from numerous European projects and countries.


A distinguishing feature of the CPS&IoT’2019 Summer School is that its lectures, demonstrations, and practical hands-on sessions:

-      are based on results from numerous currently running or recently finished European R&D projects in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet-of-Things (IoT), as: 5G NetMobil, 5G-ALLSTAR, ADMORPH, Afarcloud, AMMCOA, CONCORDIA, FitOptiVis, HERCULES, iDev40, IoT4CPS, LASSO, Comp4Drones, MegaM@RT2, NEWCONTROL, nIoVe, Productive4.0 and several others,


-      will be given by top specialists in particular CPS and IoT fields form European industry and academia, and will deliver very fresh advanced knowledge.


The School gives a unique opportunity:

-     to interact with outstanding specialists in the CPS and IoT area,


-     to get acquainted with huge opportunities and impact of CPS and IoT, serious issues and challenges of their development, as well as, newest concepts, advanced knowledge and modern design tools created in numerous ongoing and recently finished European R&D projects in CPS and IoT.


The idea of the CPS&IoT’2021 Summer School is to be a lively discussion and collaboration forum for researchers, developers and decision-makers working in the field of cyber-physical and embedded systems through serving the following main purposes:

-     dissemination and discussion of project results from European projects in CPS, IoT and ES;

-     exchange of knowledge and collaboration among European projects in CPS, IoT and ES;

-     advanced training of industrial and academic researchers, developers, engineers and decision-makers in CPS, IoT and ES;

-     facilitation of international contacts and collaboration among the Summer School participants.


More information on the CPS&IoT’2021 Summer School can be found in the Call for Participation attached to this e-mail and on the web-page:


Only a limited number of participants will be admitted.


Register as soon as possible.


Reduced participation fee of only 350 EUR (or 150 EUR by on-line participation) for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students, and 400 EUR for general public is till 31.03.2020.


To register:

1.   Fill out the Registration form and save it in pdf format

2.   Register for CPS&IoT’2021 Summer School via Easy Chair 

1.   in the field “Title” put:  CPS-IoT’2021 REGISTRATION: John Smith” (instead of John Smith, type your actual name and surname!)

2.   in the field “Keywords” put in the new lines: “[CPS&IoT2020] [Summer School] [John Smith]”, “[” is a new raw, replace “John Smit” with your actual name and surname!

3.   Upload the registration form in pdf format!

4.   You will receive the report about acceptance/rejection of your application.

In case of any problem or question related to the registration or fee payment please do not hesitate to contact Radovan Stojanović (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). In case of questions related to the CPS&IoT’2021 Summer School program please contact Lech Jóźwiak (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


CPS&IoT’2020 Summer School is collocated with:

·       CPS&IoT’2021 Conference - the 8th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things, and

·       MECO’2021 Conference – the 9th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing.

The registration to CPS&IoT’2019 Summer School entitles to free participation in CPS&IoT’2020 Conference and MECO’2020 Conference sessions. The Summer School participants are encouraged to submit their papers to the CPS&IoT’2021 Conference and MECO’2021 Conference – Paper Submission Deadline: 15 March 2021.

For more details, click here.