Stagii Internship la Grup Renault Romania
Grupul Renault Romania invita studentii din anii 3 si 4 – studii de licenta si din anii 1 si 2 – studii de masterat din cadrul Universitatii POLITEHNICA din Bucuresti sa participe la programul de stagii Drive Your Future 2013, care va avea loc in perioada aprilie – iunie2013.
Stagiile ofera studentilor sansa de a se familiariza cu industria auto si cu o gama variata de activitati, de a-si realiza proiectele de diploma sau disertatiile intr-un mediu orientat spre performanta si de a-si imbunatati competentele personale si lingvistice. Toti stagiarii Drive Your Future 2013 vor beneficia de bursa lunara, masa de pranz, transport si cazare, dupa caz. Persoanele eligibile si interesate sa aplice pentru aceste stagii sunt invitate sa consulte Brosura de stagii, dupa care sa completeze formularul asociat si sa il expedieze la adresa Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea., nu mai tarziu de 30 noiembrie 2012. Vor fi contactate numai persoanele selectate pentru interviu.
Valencia (Spain): Placements
Dear Colleagues,
We manage student's exchange projects in companies associated with the Businessmen Association of the Valencian Community.
We have many years working experience as a receiving institution with students from many different countries, like Germany, Sweden, France, Italy, Hungary, Belgium, Turkey, Finland, etc we take part of the European programs, providing placements many companies in the Valencian Community.
We have provided hundreds of placements in a variety of sectors with professional companies in agronomy, textile, tourist, business, press, automobile sectors, health, care, education, music, maritime,food-processing industries, companies software, sports, etc.
We have prices for groups. We adapt to his budget.
We provide the following services:
- Work placements with professional Companies in your chosen area prior to your entry to the Spain.
- Host Family Accommodation (full-board or half board). Apartments students, etc..
- Self-Catering Accommodation.
- Spanish Language Training courses in small groups with fully qualified teachers.
- One-to one Monitoring and Mentoring on a weekly basis at a pre arranged appointment time.
- Local Travel Pass.
- Orientation Meeting and Tour of Valencia.
- Weekly social event organised.
- Cultural trips arranged.
- Transfers from airports and ports organised on request.
- 24/7 Welfare Support.
- Final Certification and Europass.
- Training Courses arranged for Vet professionals.
- Experienced with Partnership projects and now co-ordinating a Erasmus, Leonardo, Grundtvig Project, etc.
To make you an suitable offer I would need your CV and also know when are you interrested in come to Valencia to do your practises. If have more questions, please contact us.
Irina Shymonyuk
Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales Asociación Empresarios CV
Tel +34963155250
Fax +34963155925
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